Race Rules
Check with each race website to see complete list of specific race rules. The below rules apply to all our events.
Rules that May Get you Banned from SEOTR Races:
Runners must be officially registered for the race to start and complete the marked course. NO BANDITS
Runners must not sell their bib or wear someone else's bib.
Runners must not alter or remove course markings in any way.
Runners are expected to use good sportsmanship with all other runners, race volunteers, as well as the general public who may be using the trails, and must not use aggression, verbal or physical, at any time.
Purposefully cutting, or not running the full course in any manner is strictly prohibited.
More Rules
A waiver must be signed/initialed before registering during the online registration process.
All bib numbers must be worn on the front of the body and remain visible at all times.
Aid station food and supply is for runners only, and crew may not use the aid stations for themselves.
Runners must complete the entire run on foot and under their own power.
Runners must follow the entire marked course. If the runner gets off course they must go back to the last point along the course by foot and resume the correct route.
If you drop out of the race at any point you must either inform the aid station captain or make your way back to the finish area and inform our timing officials.
Littering of any kind is prohibited. If you are caught littering you will be disqualified. Use the trash receptacles at aid stations to dispose of trash, and if you see trash along the trail from other runners pick it up. Please help keep our forest pristine!
Smoking or the use of drugs at aid stations or along the course is prohibited.
Runners may not cut switchbacks.
Races where this applies, cut-off's are strictly enforced. Come into the race knowing the cut-off times and be a good sport if you are told to stop because of a missed cut-off. If a runner crosses the finish line after a race cut-off you will not be listed as an official finisher. Runners must check in and out of each aid station.
Races where this applies, crews may not administer aid outside of "crew accessible" aid stations and runners may not store supplies or food of any kind along the course except at designated drop bag locations.
Races where this applies, runners are responsible for their crews behavior and understand crew must follow the race rules as well, and obey all aid station rules.
Runners may not run the race with their dog or any other pet.
Refund/Rollover Policies
Each race has its own Refund and Rollover policies. Below is a general list of rules and information about Refunds and Rollovers. Refer to the individual race sites to see specific Refund and Rollover guidelines.
SEOTR does not allow transfer of bibs at any of our races and strictly prohibits runners selling their bibs to other runners, wearing someone else's bib, or recreating a look-a-like. This is considered"Banditing" and it will get you banned to all future SEOTR events.
SEOTR does offer refunds to some of their races. Due to the nature of running events we are unable to provide full refunds close to the event date. Each race has a different "Refund Window" that is outlined on each race information page. Please refer to the race website to see this information.
To request a refund/rollover: If you have an UltraSignup account you are able to automatically request your own refund/rollover. If you registered as a "guest" please email the race director and we will complete the process. Follow these steps as a registered UltraSignup user:
Log in to Ultrasignup.com
Go into your account info and click "Registration History."
Click "edit" next to the race you wish to withdraw from.
After this scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red "Cancel Registration" button.
Once you select cancel registration a box will appear giving you an option to receiving either a Refund or Rollover.
Click "Process."
Please note that in some cases a bank will not accept a refund back onto a credit card if the original purchase was made over 90 days ago; in that case the race director will be notified and will send your refund via a check through the mail.
Further Rollover Policy: ​
Inside 7 days before any event there will be no refunds or rollovers, without exception.
Once your entry has been "rolled over" to next year's event you will be removed from the current year's race, then receive an invite into the next year's event via email once that registration has opened.
Your Rollover credit is only valid for the next year's event and cannot be applied to other events.
For races with multiple distances, runner may switch their distance up until 4 days prior to the event.
Runners may do this themselves under their "Registration History" on UltraSignup.com.
If you switch up distances you will be prompted to pay the difference in cost, but if you switch down in distance you will not be charged any additional processing fees, but will not receive any refund for the switch.
You may not switch distances mid-race, and if you do you'll be considered a DNF. (Sorry, old school here)
SEOTR races will take place rain or shine unless conditions become unsafe or prevented by some other force of nature, or global pandemic. The Race Director will have the final decision to make changes in order to best meet the group’s interests and the safety of participants, volunteers and spectators in case of extreme weather. The Race Director will determine if and when the event shall be postponed, resumed, delayed or canceled.
We have to have rules and policies in place in order to keep SEOTR moving forward as a sustainable organization, but we strive to make them fair, concise, understandable, and consistent with what you are used to at other running events. Most importantly, we have these rules and policies in place to ensure a great experience for our participants at SEOTR Events! Please continue reading below, and use our quick links to easily navigate through our race rules and policies.
Please Note:
Runner must understand and abide to the below refund and rollover policies. All entries are non-transferable to other runners. Participants may not sell or give their bib to another runner.
Out of fairness to all participants, no exceptions can be made to any of these rules or policies.